Saturday, January 03, 2004

400 bytes to 70 bytes class file

By Norman Richards

The Austin Java User Group recently sponsored a contest to create the smallest Java Hello World! program. The rules were simple: create the smallest Java class that when executed will display the text "Hello World!" (and only that text) to the console.

The restrictions were that the class must execute under Sun's 1.3 JRE. It may make use of any class or file distributed with the JRE, but any additional files (excluding arguments on the command line) count against the byte total of the Java class file.

In this article, I explain how I arrived at my 70-byte solution. I hope that in the process you learn a bit about Java class files and the Java Virtual Machine. I also urge you to take the challenge before viewing my solution.

Getting Started
Let's first look at the canonical Java Hello World! program.

public class Hello
public static void
main(String[] args)
("Hello World!");

Compiling this class with javac produces a 416-byte Java class file. That's quite a few bytes just to print "Hello World". Javac generates debugging information by default. Debugging can be disabled with the "-g:none" option to reduce the byte count to 336 bytes, but to go much further we have to look at exactly where those bytes are going.

Figure 1 shows the basic components of a Java class file.
In the initial Hello World program, as with most Java classes, the bulk of the bytes come from the constant pool. The method declarations are the next largest chunk, but most of the information used in a method declaration is stored in the constant pool. Table 1 shows the constant pool from the first class.

Note that the constant pool contains most of the details of our code. The class name and method names are all there as are the names and types of all the external classes, methods, and variables we touch. Constant values (such as our "Hello World!" text) are included too. Also, note that constant pool entries link to other constant pool entries. For example, a method reference entry links to a class reference entry (which in turn references a UTF8 text entry holding the name) and a name and type entry (which links to the UTF8 text entries holding the name and the method signature).

To realize how this is used, consider the Hello class expressed as bytecode with constant pool references indicated by the number sign ("#") and the constant pool index number. Don't be scared off by the bytecode. It's not as complicated as it looks. If you've ever programmed an assembler of any sort, this should look quite natural. If not, don't worry. The important thing to note is that in terms of size, the actual bytecode is very small (the constructor is 5 bytes and the main method is 9) because almost everything we do references a field or class or constant defined in the constant pool, which is quite large (see Listing 1).

First Steps
To have maximum control over what goes in the class file I decided to generate the class file directly.

Normally a tool such as Jakarta Bytecode Engineering Library (BCEL) would be the best choice to generate the class, but in this case I wanted maximum control (and understanding) of each byte that goes into the class file.

My first attempt was to simply generate a basic Hello World program, minimizing constant pool references and removing any unnecessary portions of the class. There are three main steps.

First, I wanted to make sure I generated only the main method. When compiling a class, the Java compiler will insert a default constructor if you don't specify one. However, this is only necessary if you need to create an instance of the class. If you just need to use the main method, you don't need to be able to create an instance and can remove the constructor.

Next, I wanted to inherit from an already referenced class. Every class referenced in the class file requires entries in the constant pool. I can remove the java.lang.Object constant pool reference I would normally get (remember, even if you don't specify it in your Java source code, your class extends java.lang .Object) by specifying some other class already referenced in the class file. The choices were and java.lang.System. (java.lang.String is used as a parameter only so we don't have class information for it in the constant pool.) Since java.lang.System is final and cannot be extended, the choice was

Finally, since the name of the class is also stored inside the class file, instead of naming the class "ReallySmallHelloWorldClass", I wanted to choose a name whose text is already in use in the constant pool.
Some choices were "print", "out", and "main", the names of methods and fields referenced. I chose "Code", which is the constant pool tag associated with the Code attribute in the method. The Code attribute is where the bytecode that's associated with the method is stored.

Code to generate this first class is in (The source code and Listing 1 can be downloaded from the JDJ Web site, The resulting class file is 248 bytes. The following code snippet shows the bytecode, and Table 2 shows the constant pool.

public class Code
public static void
main(String[] args)
;; System.out.print
;; ("Hello World")

;; get System.out
0: getstatic #13

;; get the String
;; "Hello World!"
3: ldc #18

;; invoke print method
5: invokevirtual #16

8: return

Hello Command Line
Next, remove the "Hello World!" from the constant pool and pass it in as an argument on the command line. It takes 3 bytes (aload_0, iconst_0, aaload) to reference args[0] as opposed to 2 bytes to load a constant (ldc) string from the constant pool; however, not needing to store the text in the constant pool frees up two constant pool slots and brings the total size down to 231 bytes.

Code to generate the class is in

The constant pool is similar enough to the first example that we can skip it, but keep in mind that some of the positions in the constant pool have changed. The following is the new bytecode.

public class Code
public static void
main(String[] args)
;; System.out.print(args[0])

;; get System.out
0: getstatic #12

;; args variable
3: aload_0

;; constant int value 0
4: iconst_0

;; get args[0]
5: aaload

;; invoke print
6: invokevirtual #15

9: return

Even at 231 bytes the class file is still quite large. Most of the bloat is associated with retrieving the static field out on java.lang.System and invoking the print method on With that in mind, I scoured the JRE-provided classes for code that would either get System.out for me or print some given text to stdout. Fortunately, there is such a class, sun.misc.MessageUtils, that provides a static method "toStdout" that will print a string to System.out. Using this, I can replace the static field reference (System.out) and the method invocation ( with one single static method invocation (sun.misc.MessageUtils.toStdout).

Of course, since is no longer in the constant pool, a new superclass is needed. Fortunately, the MessageUtils class is now available to take on this job. Code to generate this class is in The resulting class file is 171 bytes. The following code snippet shows the bytecode, and Table 3 shows the constant pool.

public class Code
extends sun.misc.MessageUtils
public static void
main(String[] args)
;; toStdout(args[0])

;; args
0: aload_0

;; constant 0
1: iconst_0

;; get args[0]
2: aaload

;; invoke toStdout
3: invokestatic #9

6: return

Goodbye Main
At this point, I began to lament the size of the signature of the main method - "([Ljava/lang/String;)V". I decided to try removing the main method entirely and echoing the text in a static initializer block. "", the internal name for the static initializer, is a few bytes longer than "main", but the size of the static initializer's method signature "()V" is much shorter than main's. For this to work, I needed to find a class with a main method that doesn't echo any text to the console to extend, so we still have an accessible main method.

The shortest named one I found among the various JRE classes is sun.Applet.Main, the main program for the Java applet viewer application.

Applet viewer requires a command input argument, but we can pass in the class file name "Code.class" as a command-line argument. Applet viewer will silently ignore the input since it contains no applet tags. The only drawback to this is that "Hello World!" had to go back into the constant pool, bringing the solution up to 194 bytes (see Table 4). Code to generate this class is in

public class Code
extends sun.applet.Main
static {
;; sun.misc.MessageUtils
;; .toSdout("Hello World!")

;; get String "Hello World!"
0: ldc #9

;; invoke toStdout on
;; sun.misc.MessageUtils
2: invokestatic #10

5: return

OPC - Other People's Code
Despite making the class file larger, this was still an important step. What I needed was to find a way to further leverage hidden classes in the JRE. I'd already found a class with a main method to use that did nothing, allowing the static initializer to do its magic, but what I really needed was a class with a main method that would just print out "Hello World!"

Apparently, that's not such a far-fetched idea. Nestled deep within Sun's 1.3 JRE is with the following method:

public static void
main(String args[])
throws Exception

The expand() method doesn't alter the text "Hello World!", so we're effectively just printing args[0] by itself.

As long as we pass in the text "Hello World!" as the first argument to the Java program, as we were doing earlier, we're all set. Since there are longer methods with bytecode associated with the class, the text "Code" is no longer available as a class name. Unfortunately, there are no other text fields to use in the constant pool. Since every class must have a superclass, and a class cannot be its own superclass, we have to add an entry to the constant pool for the name. However, it turns out that the Sun JVM allows for a class to have a zero length name, allowing us to keep the new constant pool entry as small as possible. If this weren't the case, we would have to choose a name like "a".

The code to generate this class file is The resulting bytecode is 70 bytes, consisting of four constant pool entries (two for the class spec and two for the superclass spec) and no fields, methods, or attributes (see Table 5).


Of course, we could throw out the generated class file completely and simply invoke Java with the class directly.

java 'Hello World!'
However, this wouldn't be a legal submission, so the 70-byte solution was the best one I could come up with.
Although hacking class files doesn't have much practical relevance, I found the challenge to be quite a lot of fun.

And, even if you have never touched a class file or Java bytecode, the Hello World problem is small enough that you should be able to gain a better understanding of how the internals of Java work.

I'd like to thank Jeff Schneider and Momentum Software for devising the Hello World problem and the Austin Java Users Group for sponsoring the contest.


Java Virtual Machine Specification:
Jakarta Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL):

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