Monday, February 28, 2005


I am very big fan of GOOGLE products and also I love the language JAVA.
If these two join hands means...

GMailer API for Java (g4j) is set of API that allows Java programmer to communicate to GMail. With G4J programmers can made Java based application that based on huge storage of GMail.

I haven't checked the functionality yet....but its nice and useful combination.
Developed by single guy..checkout his blog(Chinese Content)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Quit Your Job to Blog

After years of juggling a full-time job and a high-profile blog, Jason Kottke is calling it quits.Quits for the job, that is.
From now on, the New York web designer will no longer be commuting five days a week to his day job at a Manhattan financial services firm. Instead, he'll be devoting himself full time to building out his blog,, a scattered collection of writings and photos on topics ranging from web design to the politics of Girl Scout cookie sales.


Scalability Matters

Consider this type of technology...
Front end - Web Server
Back end - Servlet container
Don't confuse...checkout this functionality below...

Running cluster of Tomcat servers behind the Web server can be demanding task if you wish to archive maximum performance and stability. This article describes best practices how to accomplish that.

Worth to learn...

Boss (j)

When jboss3.0 released it was bit difficult to find a good tutorials for that(free)..But this time jboss guys come up with very good tutorials ....

Good Boss

OR mapping

If you do any projects in JAVA, Object relational mapping is the manadatory one ...That's why everybody speaking about HIBERNATE nowadays ....Sometimes back I had a chance to reviewiBatis'SQLMaps looks cool..


Friday, February 18, 2005

Guru -> Google

Cheat Sheet

I want to check this one-day...

"How many times I am opening a google search window per day?"
Already I knew bit easy techniques to find appropriate answer from google...(Frankly speaking.... For a given query, getting an accurate answer from google is an ART...)

Learn these techniques and redefine yr search from next time onwards.


Nowadays I am using only Firefox...Amazing ..
I am stunned by its extension and its themes...

checkout this news, then u can understand how firefox rocks.
Its an opensource product and its

Get Firefox!

I am just listing couple of features..
1) plugin for RSS reader
2) Download manager
3) plugin for Virtual browser....

Google Zeitgeist

Every month Google updates Zeitgeist by Country wise (Top 10 search list)..
In that list, checkout the fourth one...


Monday, February 14, 2005


Product of the Year 2005 contest!

And the Winners Are...

Technology of the Year
Java 2 Standard EditionTM 5.0 From Sun Microsystems Inc.

Development Tool of the Year
Eclipse From The Eclipse Foundatio
Runner Up: Sun JavaTM Studio Creator From Sun Microsystems Inc.

Enterprise Development Tool of the Year
Java J2EETM From Sun Microsystems Inc.
Runner Up: Microsoft® Visual Studio® .Net From Microsoft® Corporation

Development Utility of the Year
Firefox 1.0 From Mozilla
Runner Up: Altova XMLSpy® 2005 From Altova

DBMS or Related Technology of the Year
IBM Cloudscape V10.0 From IBM

Wireless/Mobile Development Product of the Year
J2METM Wireless Toolkit 2.2 From Sun Microsystems Inc.

Web Service or Related Tool of the Year
Java Web Service Developer Pack From Sun Microsystems Inc.

Java Tool of the Year
Sun JavaTM Studio Creator From Sun Microsystems Inc.

.NET Tool/Add-in of the Year
The Mono Project Sponsored by Novell

Open Source Tool of the Year
NetBeans IDE From
Simply I can say...."JAVA Gang ROCKS"

Monday, February 07, 2005

j2me Rocks

Amazing article about j2me..
worth to read...atleast useful for me in coming years...


Huge Security Hole in .NET

"Java creator James Gosling this week called Microsoft’s decision to support C and C++ in the common language runtime in .NET one of the "biggest and most offensive mistakes that they could have made". Don Box of Microsoft has responded with a tongue and cheek posting: Huge Security Hole in Solaris and JVM".

As usual War between java and .net...

One interesting comment in that forum thread :
"I'd say the biggest security holes in .NET are Windows, DCOM, SQL Server and IIS. Like seriously... "

ha..ha..good one..most of my friends are surely agree with this statement...:-)
