Monday, March 22, 2004


Here is a new word. The word is NEXTURE. Whenever there is a decision, an event or an action there are things that follow. There are things that come 'next'.

Instead of saying: "What will the effect be?"

Instead of saying: "What will follow?"

Instead of saying: "What will be the result?"

You simply say: "What is the nexture here?"

The word 'nexture' includes all the things that follow, all the things that happen next. The time scale is the same as for the word next. So it is the more immediate consequences rather than the long-term results. Nexture means: the texture of what will happen next



Butterfly XML Editor is an IDE built on top of a new real-time incremental XML parsing algorithm. The editor features syntax and error highlighting, incremental validation, code completion, XSLT pipelines, and side by side DOM and source viewing.

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Sunday, March 14, 2004

Open Source Products

Open Source Free Products List:

PHP Tutorials

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

Learn More....

Interview Question & Answers

What do you do for fun when offline?

Kiss my beautiful and beloved girlfriend :) heh... before this new nerd life with Linux and stuff I was more sociable.

Like this lot more useful interview questions and answers:


The following shows the scores for each language:

Number of features 30
PHP Won - 5
Java Won - 19
Tie - 6

PHP is suitable for small web based applications. Notice how PHP won in features that are geared towards the script’s writer, e.g. Variable variable name, or multi-line strings.

Java is more general and is suitable for larger applications. Notice how Java won in Object Oriented features, code packaging, multi-threading, and security.

Source :

Fine Justification

It was funny to see the little argument that came from the article (JSP Vs PHP ). It is like listening to Democrats and Republicans -- there's only one party that is any good, and the other one is evil. In my opinion, programming any application is like plumbing. If a plumber came to your house and he only had one wrench, you would and should send him away. What if your pipes are bigger? What if he needs to cut into a wall to reach your pipes? What if your pipes are made of PVC or ABS? A good plumber has a whole toolkit, and uses tools based on what is needed for the job, not based on how great "this" wrench is and how awful all the other wrenches are.

As such, if you are doing those large, complex sites that PHP could never do before, you should at least LOOK at it again before you count it out. It might meet your needs. It might not. Same for JSP. Check it out and see if it meets your needs. It might. Or it might not. Don't marry the tool. Choose the tool that fits your specific needs at the time. A hammer really does not fix everything.

Tomcat 5.0

Tomcat 5.0 Goals
Tomcat 5.0 looks great so far. It includes support for the Java Servlet 2.4 and the JSP 2.0 specifications, fixes many performance issues, and adds many new features and other improvements. Below we'll look at the two overall goals of Tomcat 5.0, which were implemented as of version 5.0.16.

The Tiger is out!

The J2SE 1.5 release is focused along certain key themes:

Ease of Development
Scalability and Performance
Monitoring and Manageability
Desktop Client

Open Source response

I do not see why this (giving Java to Open Source) is such a big deal really. Sun has allowed Java to be a free download for years, including J2EE, J2SE, and J2ME.

In addition, there is the JCP. The JCP has an open membership type philosophy, so anyone can apply for memebership. that pretty much opens it up.

Why should Java be opened sourced? It may actually hurt, not help Java. Why?

(1) Many Enterprises would be more afraid of a Java that fragements.

There are currently so many Open Source and closed source Java projects, that it becomes a real problem knowing what to choose and use. Choice is good, but when you have to become familiar with a dozen competing frameworks, that is NOT good. Java is huge and complex on its own right, having upteen dozen ways to do the same thing, while allowing freedom, also muddies the waters with far too many comepeting frameworks. Just be a Java programmer for a while and you will see what I mean.:)

(2) Support. Who is going to manage and support all of the Open Source Java frameworks and developmnt tasks?

Java is currently the de facto Enterprise platform for Web and server based programming. If Java is open sourced, who can Enterprise customers go to for support of Java? Will it be Sun, IBM, Oracle, Borland, Apache Group, etc? How many flavors of Java can we except to emerge?

(3) Microsoft. You can bet without some type of centralized control, MS will use this as a marketing tool for NET. I could just see the advetizements now: Java means you do not know what is coming next and from where. NET means you know who is in the drivers seat. With Java will it be the freckled face teen, or will it be the old woman in the shoe?

In addition, MS would be free to learn more from Java and use in NET. What would have happened, years ago, if Java had been open sourced? We would now have two flavors: MS only Java (what NET truly is), and Java for the rest. I am glad Sun did not make this move. This is what is going to happen with Mono.NET and MS.NET, bet on it.

(4) Java has done well without a decentralized control.
I think Java has done quite well with centralized control and for the Enterprise customer, I think they feel much safer knowing tht there is a tightly controlled governing body. Fragementation would be a VERY BAD THING, not a good one. Yes Open Souce has done a good thing with Python and PHP, but these are much smaller in scope and in practical usage than Java. I am not sure that this would work. Again, Java is MASSIVE.

In conclusion, these are only a few of the reasons I can see where the JCP might be better than Open Source.
Of course you can look on the other side, and see why an Open Source Java can be a good thing as well. As long as Sun keeps the JCP and its memebership open, however,I do not see why the Open Source world cannot use and enjoy the benefits of Java.

IMHO, Sun has been pretty good and open with Java. They have only really slapped one wrist and forbidden thir use of Java and that was Microsoft. We all remember that story. MS tried their usual "extend,embrace, and extinguish" policy. Yes, Sun did give JBoss fits (which they should not have), and even early on gave the Apache group some grief. Fortunately, the pressure made Sun relent and recant.

Both the Apache Group and JBoss group are now members of the JCP, both of which are open source, as well as the commercial companies like Oracle, Borland, BEA, etc. I see this as a good thing actually, not a bad one.

Sun has gave us, as the author rightfully stated, things that have served to make the Linux community flourish, as have IBM, Oracle, and now Novell. I do not think that a company has to giev away all of its crowned jewels to be a friend to the Open Source world. Java is definitely a crowned jewel of Sun, and they have been very generous to the Java beneficiaries, oftemtimes at the cost of their own company coffers.

Just my opinion or two cents worth :)


source :


The gasps that greeted composer A R Rahman when he took the baton to conduct the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO), were not just directed at his musical abilities.
Don't Miss:

Bombay Dreams: To Broadway!

Of equal interest to the audience that packed the 2,200-seat auditorium in Birmingham city centre was what appeared to be the 38-year-old Rahman's decision to adopt a punk hairdo. After the two concerts last Friday and Saturday, Rahman explained to friends that his shorn locks were in preparation for his recently concluded pilgrimage to Mecca.

Rahman's appearance at Symphony Hall headquarters in Birmingham is believed to have pulled in what is believed to be the largest ever non-white audience for a mainstream British orchestra. Delighted orchestra executives say the demand for seats was so high, they could have sold three times as many seats as they did.

Audience reactions to Rahman's music, however, were more mixed. Although the orchestra played music from some of Rahman's better known compositions, including Bombay Dreams, Lagaan and the upcoming Meenaxi, other selections from Columbia Pictures' Chinese film, Warriors Of Heaven And Earth, were less familiar to overseas Indians' ears.

This week Rahman is in Pargue to record more music for Warriors Of Heaven And Earth with the Czech Film Orchestra before going to New York, where he will rehearse a fresh selection of songs for Bombay Dreams.


Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Fine articles

Eric Raymond's letter to Sun's Head, asking him to "Let Java Go".

Sun fires back over Open Source Java accusations

And, a third article:- Beyond an Open Source Java.

C# Vs Java


From a java developer's perspective


Java webstart Vs .NET product

On the rich-client side of the fence,.Net 1.0 and 1.1 provide a feature
called No-Touch Deployment,which,like Java Web Start,launches an
application straight from the Web,pulling in referenced assemblies on
demand.One former Java d veloper who has migrated from Java to .N t
worked out an ingenious solution that shares .N t assemblies between a W b
application that feeds data to a browser,and a rich-client application that
downloads the same assemblies and uses them locally.

.NET review

Does .Net Have a Dynamic-Languages Deficiency?

dynamic programming languages have been around
for decades. With LISP (LISt Processing) and Smalltalk as
progenitors, today’s popular examples include Perl, Python,
and Ruby.
Often labeled “open source scripting languages” and
regarded as useful mainly for data mining and automated sys-tem
administration, their well-kept secret is that these highly-productive
languages power more mission-critical services
than enterprises like to admit. In the Java world, a Java/Python
hybrid called Jython has built a cult following among devel-opers
who want to manipulate Java APIs with the ease and flex-ibility
of Python.

The .Net world lacks a Jython equivalent. ActiveState’s Perl
.Net and Zope Corporation’s Python for .Net bridge these
languages’ VMs (virtual machines) to the .Net CLR (Com-mon
Language Runtime). But they don’t achieve the deep
integration that comes from implementing a language
directly on the CLR, as Jython implements Python on the JVM.
Despite lots of second-guessing, there’s no consensus that the
CLR is inherently unfriendly to dynamic languages. The JVM does-n’t
bend over backwards for such languages either, and yet Jython
is a great success thanks to the heroic efforts of its inventor, Jim
Hugunin. Now Hugunin has turned his attention to .Net, and
reports promising results with a prototype Python implementa-tion
for .Net called IronPython.

Such projects always seem to spring from an inspired individual
or small team. In fact, Microsoft has such a team. It created JScript
.Net, the most dynamic of Microsoft’s .Net languages. But JScript
.Net is the unloved stepsister of C# and Virtual Basic .Net.
Dynamic languages are rooted in a culture that is simply not
indigenous to Redmond. That may change, but for the time being,
the future of dynamic languages in .Net lies with non-Microsoft
— J.U.